Assistant Referees Decry FIFA’s Excessive VAR OverturnsAssistant Referees Decry FIFA’s Excessive VAR Overturns Assistant referees have expressed outrage over FIFA’s excessive use of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system, arguing that it is undermining their authority and compromising the integrity of the game. In a statement released by the International Federation of Assistant Referees (IFAR), referees condemned the “alarming” number of decisions that are being overturned by VAR, even when they are clearly correct. They argue that this is creating a culture of doubt and insecurity among officials, and is leading to a loss of respect for their decisions. “We are witnessing a dangerous trend where VAR is being used in situations where it is simply not necessary,” said IFAR President David Elleray. “We are seeing decisions being overturned based on the most marginal of evidence, or even in situations where the on-field referee has a better view of the incident.” Elleray pointed to several recent examples of controversial VAR overturns, including the disallowance of a goal in the 2022 World Cup Final due to a marginal offside call. He argued that such decisions are undermining the authority of the referee and making it difficult for fans to understand the game. “VAR was introduced to correct clear and obvious errors, but it is now being used to second-guess every decision and create uncertainty,” said Elleray. “This is a slippery slope, and if we are not careful, it will destroy the very fabric of the game.” The assistant referees called on FIFA to take immediate action to address the excessive use of VAR. They demanded that FIFA provide clearer guidelines on when VAR should be used, and that referees have the final say on decisions when there is no clear and obvious error. “We are not asking to be protected from scrutiny, but we do ask that our decisions be respected,” said Elleray. “If FIFA does not take action, we fear that the game will continue to suffer.”

By epl

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