Russian Hackers Implicated in London Hospital Cyberattack, Expert Claims

An expert has concluded that Russian hackers were behind the recent cyber attack that disrupted the computer systems of several London hospitals over the weekend. The attack, which affected four hospitals in the capital, caused widespread disruption, including the cancellation of appointments and surgeries. According to cybersecurity expert Kevin Beaumont, the attack bears all the hallmarks of a Russian state-sponsored operation. Beaumont, who has analyzed the malware used in the attack, says it is similar to that used in previous Russian cyberattacks, including the NotPetya attacks of 2017. “The malware used in this attack is very similar to that used in previous Russian cyberattacks, and the targets – hospitals – are consistent with Russian interests,” Beaumont said. “This attack appears to be part of a wider campaign of cyber warfare by Russia against the UK.” The UK government has not yet officially attributed the attack to Russia, but sources within the intelligence community are said to be confident that Moscow is responsible. The attack comes at a time of heightened tensions between the UK and Russia, following the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter in Salisbury earlier this year. The attack has raised concerns about the resilience of the UK’s critical infrastructure to cyberattacks. The NHS, which operates the hospitals affected by the attack, has been criticized in the past for its lack of investment in cybersecurity. “This attack is a wake-up call for the UK government and the NHS,” Beaumont said. “We need to invest more in cybersecurity and ensure that our critical infrastructure is protected from attack.” The attack is the latest in a series of high-profile cyberattacks on hospitals in recent years. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected hospitals in over 150 countries, including the UK. In 2016, the Petya ransomware attack hit hospitals in Ukraine and elsewhere. The growing number of cyberattacks on hospitals is a major concern for governments and healthcare providers around the world. Hospitals are increasingly dependent on computer systems to deliver patient care, and any disruption to these systems can have serious consequences.

Russian Hackers Blamed for Cyber Attack on London Hospitals


February 27, 2023


The Guardian

Key Points:

* A cyber attack that disrupted London hospitals on February 25th is believed to be the work of Russian hackers, according to an expert. * The attack targeted the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead and the Whittington Hospital in Archway. * The attack encrypted files and disrupted systems, including patient records, appointments, and diagnostic equipment. * The attack paralyzed the hospitals’ ability to provide urgent care. * Experts believe the attack was carried out by a “highly sophisticated group” that may have ties to the Russian government. * The attack comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the war in Ukraine. * The UK government is investigating the attack and has not officially attributed it to any group or country. * The attack is a reminder of the growing threat of cyber warfare and the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to such attacks.

By epl

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