Biden’s Ceasefire Plan Has No ‘Gaps’ with Israel, White House Says

The White House has stated that President Biden’s ceasefire plan for the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has no “gaps” with Israel. This clarification comes after some media outlets reported that there were differences in understanding between the two sides. “There are no gaps between the United States and Israel when it comes to the need for a ceasefire,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Thursday. “We are working closely with the Israelis to ensure that there is a durable and sustainable ceasefire.” Psaki’s comments followed a meeting between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the ongoing violence and the need for a ceasefire. According to the White House readout of the meeting, Biden “reiterated his call for a ceasefire that is in the interests of both Israelis and Palestinians.” He also “expressed his concern about the safety and security of civilians on both sides.” Netanyahu, for his part, “accepted a ceasefire proposal put forward by Egypt” and “will instruct his military to move quickly to implement it.” The White House has not released details of the ceasefire proposal, but Psaki said that it is “based on the need for a sustainable and durable ceasefire, one that allows for the safety and security of all Israelis and Palestinians.” She also said that the United States will continue to work with Israel, Egypt, and other partners in the region to implement the ceasefire and “build on the progress that has been made so far.” The ongoing violence between Israel and Hamas has left hundreds dead and injured. The conflict began on May 10, when Hamas fired rockets into Israel after Israeli police clashed with Palestinian worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The United States and other international actors have called for a ceasefire, but efforts to broker a truce have so far been unsuccessful.

Biden’s Ceasefire Plan Has No ‘Gaps’ with Israel, White House Says

The White House has stated that President Biden’s ceasefire plan has no “gaps” with Israel. This statement was made in response to concerns that the plan might not adequately address Israel’s security concerns. The ceasefire plan, which was announced on Thursday, calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas. It also includes provisions for humanitarian aid to Gaza and for addressing the underlying causes of the conflict. The White House has said that the plan has been fully coordinated with Israel and that it is in line with Israel’s security needs. However, some Israeli officials have expressed concerns that the plan does not go far enough to address the threat posed by Hamas. The ceasefire plan has been welcomed by some international leaders, including the United Nations and the European Union. However, it remains to be seen whether it will be successful in bringing an end to the violence in Gaza.

By epl

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