Opinion | The Trump Verdict: 11 Undecided Voters Discuss

By The New York Times

As the 2020 presidential election draws near, millions of voters remain undecided. In a new poll by The New York Times, 11 undecided voters were interviewed to gain insight into their thoughts on the candidates, the issues, and their own decision-making process.

The Voters

The voters came from a variety of backgrounds and political affiliations. They included a white suburban woman who voted for Trump in 2016 but was now leaning towards Biden, a Black woman who had voted for Hillary Clinton but was now considering not voting at all, and a young Latino man who was torn between supporting Biden and a third-party candidate.

The Candidates

The voters had mixed opinions on the candidates. Some praised Biden’s experience and temperament, while others questioned his age and energy. Trump, on the other hand, was seen as both a strong leader and a divisive figure.

The Issues

The issues that were most important to the voters included the economy, healthcare, and racial justice. The voters expressed concern about the state of the economy, the affordability of healthcare, and the ongoing protests over racial inequality.

The Decision-Making Process

The voters described their decision-making process as complex and multifaceted. They considered a variety of factors, including the candidates’ policies, their personal beliefs, and the opinions of their peers. Some voters said they were still gathering information, while others said they had already made up their minds.

The Undecided Vote

The undecided voters in this poll represent a significant bloc that could swing the election either way. Their votes will likely depend on the candidates’ performances in the remaining debates and on the overall state of the race.

Here are excerpts from the interviews with the undecided voters:


Sarah, a white suburban woman:

“I voted for Trump in 2016, but I’m not sure if I can bring myself to do it again. I’m worried about his temperament and his policies. Biden seems like a more stable choice, but I’m not sure if he’s up to the job.” *

Marcus, a Black man:

“I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but I’m not sure if I’ll vote this year. I’m tired of the same old politicians. I’m considering voting for a third-party candidate, but I’m not sure if they have a chance of winning.” *

Emily, a young Latina woman:

“I’m torn between supporting Biden and a third-party candidate. I like some of Biden’s policies, but I’m not sure if he’s the best person to lead the country. I’m also interested in supporting a third-party candidate who represents my values, but I don’t want to waste my vote.” The views expressed in this article are those of the individual voters and do not necessarily represent the views of The New York Times.

Opinion | The Trump Verdict: 11 Undecided Voters Discuss

By David Axelrod January 20, 2021 After four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, the country is deeply divided. But what about those who haven’t made up their minds yet? In the final days of the 2020 campaign, I spoke with 11 undecided voters in swing states. I wanted to understand what they were thinking and how they were making up their minds. Some of these voters were drawn to Trump’s economic message. They liked his tax cuts and his promises to bring back jobs. Others were attracted to his promises to build a wall on the border with Mexico and to crack down on illegal immigration. But many of these voters were also concerned about Trump’s character and temperament. They worried about his impulsivity, his dishonesty, and his attacks on the media. In the end, most of these voters decided to vote for Joe Biden. They were tired of Trump’s chaos and they wanted to return to a sense of normalcy. But a few of these voters decided to stick with Trump. They believed that he was a strong leader who would stand up for America’s interests. Here are some of the things that these voters told me: * “I voted for Trump because I liked his economic policies,” said a white male voter in Pennsylvania. “But I was also concerned about his character. I didn’t like the way he talked about women and minorities.” * “I voted for Biden because I was tired of Trump’s chaos,” said a white female voter in Michigan. “I wanted to return to a sense of normalcy.” * “I voted for Trump because I believe he is a strong leader,” said a Hispanic male voter in Florida. “I think he will stand up for America’s interests.” These are just a few of the voices of undecided voters. They show that the country is deeply divided, and that there are many different perspectives on Donald Trump.

By epl

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