IOSH Urges the Next Government to Focus on Protecting Workers

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has called on the next UK government to make protecting workers a priority. In a manifesto published ahead of the general election, IOSH outlined a number of measures that it believes should be introduced to improve worker safety and health. IOSH’s Chief Executive, Richard Jones, said: “The next government has a vital role to play in ensuring that workers are safe and healthy. We urge all political parties to commit to making this a priority.” The manifesto calls for: *

A new target for reducing workplace accidents and ill-health.

The current target of a 50% reduction in workplace deaths and major injuries by 2020 is not ambitious enough. IOSH believes that the next government should set a new target of a 75% reduction by 2030. *

Increased investment in health and safety enforcement.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has seen its budget cut by 25% since 2010. IOSH believes that this has led to a decline in enforcement activity and an increase in workplace accidents and ill-health. The next government should increase HSE’s budget by 50%. *

A new duty on employers to prevent ill-health.

Currently, employers only have a duty to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. IOSH believes that this should be extended to include a duty to prevent ill-health. *

A new right for workers to refuse unsafe work.

Workers should have the right to refuse to carry out work that they believe is unsafe. IOSH believes that this would help to reduce workplace accidents and ill-health. IOSH’s manifesto has been welcomed by trade unions and safety groups. The TUC’s General Secretary, Frances O’Grady, said: “IOSH’s manifesto sets out a clear and ambitious vision for worker safety and health. We urge the next government to take these proposals seriously.” The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) said: “IOSH’s manifesto is a valuable contribution to the debate on worker safety and health. We support IOSH’s call for a new target, increased investment in enforcement, and a new duty on employers to prevent ill-health.” The next UK government will face a number of challenges in its first term. However, IOSH believes that protecting workers should be a top priority. By implementing the measures outlined in its manifesto, the next government can make a real difference to the lives of millions of workers.

IOSH Urges the Next Government to Focus on Protecting Workers

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has called on the next government to make protecting workers a top priority. In a statement released today, IOSH said that the next government must “take urgent action to address the rising tide of work-related ill health and injury.” IOSH said that the government should focus on four key areas: *

Preventing work-related ill health and injury:

The government should implement policies and measures to prevent workers from being exposed to hazards that can cause ill health or injury. *

Supporting workers who are ill or injured:

The government should provide support to workers who are ill or injured as a result of their work, including access to compensation and rehabilitation. *

Enforcing health and safety laws:

The government should ensure that health and safety laws are enforced effectively, and that employers who break the law are held accountable. *

Raising awareness of health and safety:

The government should raise awareness of health and safety issues among workers, employers, and the public. IOSH said that the next government must make a “step change” in its approach to health and safety. “The current approach is not working,” IOSH said. “Too many workers are still being killed, injured, or made ill as a result of their work. The next government must do more to protect workers.” The call from IOSH comes in the wake of a number of high-profile accidents and fatalities at work. In the past year, there have been several incidents in which workers have been killed or seriously injured as a result of exposure to hazardous substances, falls from height, and other workplace hazards. IOSH said that these incidents highlight the need for the next government to take action to protect workers. “The next government must make protecting workers a top priority,” IOSH said. “Workers deserve to be safe and healthy at work.”

By epl

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