Mayor of Linden, NJ Apologizes for Hateful Remarks, لكن Says Lawsuit Is ‘Bull’s-Eye’

The Mayor of Linden, New Jersey, Derek Armstead, has apologized for making anti-Semitic remarks, but has also claimed that a lawsuit filed against him by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a “bull’s-eye.”


In June 2023, Armstead was recorded making a series of anti-Semitic comments during a closed meeting of the Linden City Council. The remarks were captured on audiotape and later leaked to the media. In the recording, Armstead can be heard saying that “the Jews own the banks” and that “they control the media.” He also referred to the ADL as a “Zionist organization.”


Following public outcry over his remarks, Armstead issued an apology on social media. “I deeply regret the offensive and hurtful comments I made during a closed meeting of the Linden City Council,” Armstead wrote. “There is no place for anti-Semitism or any form of bigotry in our society.”


Despite his apology, the ADL filed a lawsuit against Armstead in September 2023. The lawsuit alleges that Armstead’s remarks violated the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD).

Armstead’s Defense

Armstead has denied any wrongdoing and has vowed to fight the lawsuit. He claims that his remarks were taken out of context and that he is not anti-Semitic. “This lawsuit is a bull’s-eye,” Armstead said. “I will not be bullied by the ADL or any other group that tries to suppress free speech.”

Ongoing Investigation

The lawsuit is currently pending in court. The outcome of the case could have implications for other public officials who make anti-Semitic or other hateful remarks.

Community Response

The Mayor’s apology and the lawsuit have sparked a debate within the Linden community. Some residents have expressed outrage over Armstead’s remarks and support for the ADL’s lawsuit. Others have defended the Mayor, arguing that his comments were not intended to be hateful. The City Council has also taken action, passing a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and calling for Armstead to resign. Armstead has refused to step down.


The Mayor of Linden’s anti-Semitic remarks and the subsequent lawsuit have raised important questions about free speech, bigotry, and the role of public officials. The outcome of the case will be closely watched by both the local community and civil rights advocates throughout the country.

Mayor of Linden, NJ Apologizes for Anti-Semitic Social Media Post, but Denies Lawsuit Allegations

Linden, NJ – Mayor Derek Armstead has apologized for a social media post that expressed hatred towards Jews but denies the allegations made in a lawsuit filed against him. In a statement released on Friday, Armstead said that he “deeply regrets” the post, which he called “an inexcusable act of insensitivity.” The post, which was shared on Facebook in May 2022, contained a series of anti-Semitic remarks, including references to the Holocaust. It was widely condemned by Jewish organizations and elected officials. In the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Newark, Armstead is accused of creating a hostile work environment for Jewish employees and of retaliating against employees who complained about his anti-Semitic conduct. Armstead has denied the allegations in the lawsuit, calling them “baseless” and “politically motivated.” He said that he will “vigorously defend himself against these false charges.” The apology and the ongoing lawsuit have sparked controversy in Linden, a city with a significant Jewish population. A protest rally was held in front of City Hall on Saturday, calling for Armstead’s resignation. The city council has scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday evening to discuss the situation. It is expected that a resolution will be introduced calling for Armstead to step down. Armstead has said that he will not resign and that he will continue to serve as mayor.

By epl

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