‘.QUANTRO Therapeutics Reaches a Milestone in the Development of Novel Therapeutics for Fibrosis

.QUANTRO Therapeutics

, a leading biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing novel therapeutics for fibrosis, has announced a significant milestone in its research and development efforts. The company has completed preclinical studies demonstrating the efficacy and safety of its lead candidate, QNT-240, in animal models of liver fibrosis. QNT-240 is a small molecule inhibitor of a key protein involved in the fibrotic process. In these studies, QNT-240 showed promising results in reducing liver fibrosis and improving liver function. The drug candidate significantly inhibited the production of collagen, a major component of fibrotic scarring, and promoted the clearance of activated hepatic stellate cells, the cells responsible for producing collagen. “These preclinical findings are a major step forward in our mission to develop innovative therapies for fibrosis,” said Dr. John Doe, CEO of .QUANTRO Therapeutics. “QNT-240 has shown promising efficacy in reducing fibrosis and improving liver function, which highlights its potential to address the unmet medical need in this area.” Fibrosis is a common pathological process characterized by the excessive accumulation of collagen and other extracellular matrix components in organs. It can lead to organ dysfunction and failure, with significant morbidity and mortality. Liver fibrosis is a leading cause of chronic liver disease, affecting millions of people worldwide. The current standard of care for fibrosis is limited and often ineffective, with no approved therapies specifically targeting fibrosis. .QUANTRO Therapeutics aims to fill this unmet need by developing novel therapeutics that effectively inhibit fibrosis and restore organ function. The company’s pipeline includes additional drug candidates targeting different mechanisms involved in fibrosis. .QUANTRO Therapeutics is currently conducting further preclinical studies and plans to initiate clinical trials for QNT-240 in the near future. “We are excited to advance QNT-240 into clinical development and potentially provide a new therapeutic option for patients with fibrosis,” said Dr. Jane Smith, CSO of .QUANTRO Therapeutics. “Our team is committed to translating our scientific discoveries into innovative medicines that can improve the lives of patients.” The milestone achieved by .QUANTRO Therapeutics represents a significant contribution to the development of novel fibrosis therapies. QNT-240 has the potential to be a transformative treatment option, offering hope to patients with liver fibrosis and other fibrotic diseases.

QUANTRO Therapeutics Reaches Milestone in Development of Antibody-Based Therapeutic for Cancer

Boston, MA – February 22, 2023

– QUANTRO Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biotechnology company, today announced the achievement of a major milestone in the development of its lead antibody-based therapeutic candidate, QNT-100. QNT-100 is a novel, fully human monoclonal antibody that targets the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), a protein that plays a key role in the growth and survival of many types of cancer. Preclinical studies have shown that QNT-100 has potent anti-tumor activity in multiple cancer models. In an ongoing Phase I clinical trial, QNT-100 has demonstrated encouraging safety and efficacy data. The trial is currently enrolling patients with advanced solid tumors that have progressed on standard therapy. “We are excited to have reached this important milestone in the development of QNT-100,” said Dr. Peter Lanigan, Chief Executive Officer of QUANTRO Therapeutics. “The preclinical data and early clinical results suggest that QNT-100 has the potential to be a highly effective treatment for patients with cancer.” QUANTRO Therapeutics plans to continue the Phase I clinical trial and initiate additional clinical studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of QNT-100 in different cancer types. ### About QUANTRO Therapeutics QUANTRO Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing innovative antibody-based therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. The company’s lead candidate, QNT-100, is a fully human monoclonal antibody that targets the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). QUANTRO Therapeutics is headquartered in Boston, MA.

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