NDP Calls for Price Cap on Basic Foods

London, ON –

The New Democratic Party (NDP) is calling on the federal government to implement a price cap on basic food items to help ease the financial burden on Canadians struggling with the rising cost of living. In a press conference held in London, Ontario, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said that the price of groceries has increased by an average of 11% over the past year, making it difficult for many families to put food on the table. “People are having to make impossible choices between buying food, paying rent, and keeping the lights on,” Singh said. “We need to take immediate action to help people and make life more affordable.” The NDP is proposing a price cap of 5% on a basket of essential food items, including bread, milk, eggs, cheese, and produce. The party estimates that this measure would save the average Canadian household up to $500 per year. In addition to the price cap, the NDP is also calling for: * An increase to the Canada Child Benefit * A boost to seniors’ benefits * Measures to increase housing affordability “We need to do everything we can to help people during this challenging time,” Singh said. “A price cap on basic foods would make a real difference in the lives of millions of Canadians.” The NDP’s proposal has received mixed reactions. Some consumer advocates have praised the idea, while others have expressed concerns about the potential consequences for food producers. The federal government has not yet commented on the NDP’s proposal.


The cost of living has risen significantly in Canada over the past year, driven by a number of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine. Food prices have been particularly hard-hit, with the average family now spending over $1,000 per month on groceries. The NDP’s proposal for a price cap on basic foods is similar to measures that have been implemented in other countries, including Spain and Portugal. In Spain, a price cap on certain food items has been in place since December 2021 and has been credited with helping to curb inflation.

NDP Calls for Price Cap on Basic Foods

CTV News London

October 14, 2022

The New Democratic Party (NDP) is calling on the federal government to impose a price cap on essential food items to alleviate the financial burden on Canadians amid rising inflation. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh proposed the measure on Friday, arguing that Canadians are struggling to afford basic necessities like groceries. “The cost of food is skyrocketing, and it’s making it harder and harder for people to put food on the table,” Singh said. “We need to take action now to help people.” The proposed price cap would apply to essential food items such as bread, milk, and eggs. Singh said the government could implement the cap by working with grocers and food distributors. The NDP estimates that a price cap on basic foods would save the average Canadian family approximately $700 per year. The Liberal government has yet to respond to the NDP’s proposal. Inflation has been a major concern for Canadians in recent months, with the Bank of Canada raising interest rates multiple times in an effort to curb rising prices. However, the NDP argues that interest rate hikes alone are not enough to address the immediate financial needs of struggling families. “People need help now,” Singh said. “A price cap on basic foods would provide immediate relief.” The NDP’s proposal has received mixed reactions. Some critics argue that a price cap could lead to shortages and reduce the availability of certain food items. However, supporters of the measure contend that it is necessary to provide immediate assistance to Canadians in need. The issue of food affordability is expected to be a major topic of discussion during the upcoming federal election campaign.

By epl

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