Enfield Granted Approval to Expand Sports Facilities Near Prison

Enfield, Connecticut has received approval from Governor Ned Lamont to acquire land adjacent to the Enfield Correctional Institution for the development of new sports facilities. This expansion will provide the town with additional athletic amenities and recreational opportunities.

Land Acquisition

The approved acquisition involves approximately 18 acres of land located near the prison. The property was previously owned by the state Department of Transportation and is currently undeveloped. Enfield plans to purchase the land for $2.5 million.

Sports Facilities

The town intends to use the acquired land to create a multi-purpose sports complex. The complex will feature: * Multiple soccer fields * Baseball and softball diamonds * Tennis courts * Basketball courts * Walking trails and other amenities

Benefits for Enfield

The expansion of sports facilities near the prison is expected to bring several benefits to Enfield, including: * Enhanced recreational opportunities for residents * Improved health and fitness outcomes * Increased economic activity in the area * Potential for hosting sporting events and tournaments

Nearby Prison Considerations

The proximity of the land to the prison has raised some concerns among town residents. However, officials have emphasized that the sports complex will be located on the opposite side of the prison and will have no impact on the institution’s operations.

Funding and Timeline

The town of Enfield will use a combination of state and local funds to purchase the land and develop the sports complex. The project is expected to take several years to complete.

Environmental Impact

Enfield officials have conducted environmental assessments and determined that the proposed development will have minimal impact on the surrounding area. The town plans to implement best practices to mitigate any potential environmental concerns.


The approval of the land acquisition near the Enfield Correctional Institution is a significant step towards expanding sports facilities in the town. The new complex will provide Enfield residents with enhanced recreational opportunities and contribute to a healthier and more active community.

Enfield Gets Permission to Buy Land Near Prison for Sports Facilities

Enfield, Connecticut has received approval from Governor Ned Lamont to acquire land near the Enfield Correctional Institution for the development of sports facilities. The purchase will expand recreational opportunities for the community and inmates. The land, located adjacent to the prison, will be used to create athletic fields, courts, and other amenities for both the public and incarcerated individuals. The project aims to promote physical activity, provide recreational outlets, and foster community engagement. Governor Lamont granted the permission through an executive order, allowing the town to use $5 million in state funds for the land purchase. The acquisition is part of a broader effort to enhance rehabilitation programs and reduce recidivism within the state prison system. “This project is a win-win for our community and the individuals incarcerated at Enfield Correctional,” said Enfield Mayor Michael Ludwick. “It will provide much-needed recreational space for residents and contribute to the well-being of the inmates.” Community organizations, such as the Enfield Youth Services Bureau, have expressed their support for the project. They believe the facilities will offer positive outlets for young people and foster intergenerational connections. The development of the sports complex is expected to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the Enfield area. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in the spring of 2024.

By epl

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