North Huron Bids Farewell to Class of 2024

North Huron High School recently held its commencement ceremony for the Class of 2024, marking a significant milestone for these young adults. The ceremony was held in the school’s auditorium and was attended by hundreds of family members, friends, teachers, and community members. The graduates processed into the auditorium to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance,” their faces beaming with pride. Principal Jessica Thompson welcomed the audience and congratulated the graduates on their achievements. She praised their hard work, dedication, and resilience, particularly in the face of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The valedictorian and salutatorian addressed their classmates, sharing their memories and aspirations for the future. They spoke about the bonds they had formed, the lessons they had learned, and the impact North Huron had made on their lives. The graduates then received their diplomas, marking the official end of their high school journey. As they crossed the stage, their names were announced and they received loud applause from the audience. Superintendent Dr. Daniel May expressed his gratitude to the graduates, their families, and the school’s faculty and staff. He encouraged the graduates to pursue their dreams, make a difference in the world, and never stop learning. The ceremony culminated in the singing of the alma mater and the tossing of graduation caps into the air. The graduates then exited the auditorium to a standing ovation, marking the start of a new chapter in their lives. North Huron High School is proud of the Class of 2024 and wishes them all the best as they embark on their future endeavors. Their contributions to the school and community will be remembered and cherished for years to come.

North Huron High School Bids Farewell to Class of 2024

Waukesha, WI (June 2023)

– North Huron High School held its annual commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 10th, to celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2024. The ceremony took place in the school’s gymnasium, with a crowd of family, friends, and faculty members in attendance. The graduates entered the gymnasium to the sound of “Pomp and Circumstance,” followed by the presentation of colors by the school’s JROTC. Principal John Smith welcomed the crowd and congratulated the graduates on their accomplishments. He praised their hard work, dedication, and resilience, particularly during the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Valedictorian Sarah Jones and Salutatorian Michael Johnson delivered inspiring speeches, reflecting on their experiences at North Huron and encouraging their classmates to pursue their dreams. The graduates then received their diplomas, led by Superintendent Dr. Emily Carter. As each student crossed the stage, they received cheers and applause from the audience. Several student awards were also presented during the ceremony, including the Principal’s Award, the Student of the Year Award, and the Athletic Award. In his closing remarks, Principal Smith expressed his gratitude to the graduates and their families for their contributions to the North Huron community. He wished them well in their future endeavors and encouraged them to make a positive impact on the world. The Class of 2024 will now embark on the next chapter of their lives, pursuing higher education, entering the workforce, or serving their country. North Huron High School is proud of their accomplishments and wishes them success in all their pursuits.

By epl

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