Маурисио Почеттино Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino hopes that next season he will stop talking about the youth of his squad and the large number of injuries.

Statistics say that since Boxing Day, only Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool have scored more points in the Premier League than Chelsea (35).

The Blues have improved significantly in the second half of the season and still have chances of getting into European competitions, but many fans of the London club still have doubts about Pochettino.

Pochettino compares this situation with the famous Coldplay song and hopes that next season everything will be different.

“We were punished for the first 10 matches of the season. Look, I want to have a positive attitude, and from the start of next season I don’t want to talk about our youth and injuries. It’s better to talk about the development of various aspects of our tactical game.”

“It’s like we’re stuck in a losing streak, as Coldplay sings it. We always stop and go back to negative things. It’s like we’re stuck in a losing streak. I like Coldplay and this song “Fix You”.

“That’s the problem with the press conference, because I touch on this and that, and people are unhappy with me. You make me talk about the young squad, about injuries, but I want to stop talking about it. We hope that all the players will be healthy next season and will fight to get into the starting lineup. I dream and hope for it,” Pochettino is quoted as saying by the Evening Standard.

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By epl

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