Jason Corbett’s Killers Go Free While Daughter Takes Exams at Hospital

In a shocking turn of events, the killers of Irish businessman Jason Corbett have been released on bail while his young daughter is undergoing cancer treatment at a hospital.


Jason Corbett, 39, was brutally murdered in his North Carolina home in 2015 by his wife, Molly Martin Corbett, and her father, Thomas Martin. They claimed self-defense, but a jury convicted them of second-degree murder in 2017.

Bail Granted

On July 19, 2022, a North Carolina judge granted bail to Molly Corbett and Thomas Martin. The judge cited the “unusual circumstances” of their case, including Molly Corbett’s ongoing cancer treatment and Thomas Martin’s age and health issues.

Victim’s Family Outraged

Jason Corbett’s family in Ireland is outraged by the decision. They believe the killers should remain behind bars while their granddaughter is suffering. “This is a slap in the face for justice,” said John Corbett, Jason’s father. “They took my son’s life, and now they’re walking free while our precious granddaughter is fighting for hers.”

Hospital Exams

Jason Corbett’s 16-year-old daughter, Molly Rose, has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer. She is currently undergoing intensive treatment at a hospital in Ireland. The timing of the killers’ release has been particularly cruel, as it coincides with Molly Rose’s exams. She has been forced to postpone her exams due to her illness, but it is unclear if she will be able to take them before the bail deadline.

Legal Process

Molly Corbett and Thomas Martin have appealed their convictions. The appeals process is likely to take months or even years. Meanwhile, they are free on bail with electronic monitoring.

Community Reaction

The decision to release the killers has sparked outrage in both Ireland and the United States. Many people believe that they should not have been granted bail, especially given the severity of their crime and the suffering they have caused. A Change.org petition calling for the killers to be returned to prison has gathered over 500,000 signatures.


The release of Jason Corbett’s killers while his daughter battles cancer has left his family shattered. It is a cruel reminder that the justice system can sometimes fail victims and their loved ones. The Corbett family remains hopeful that justice will ultimately prevail, but the pain and anguish they have endured will never fully go away.

Fatherless Daughter Takes Hospital Exams as Killers Escape Punishment

In a tragic twist of fate, Molly Corbett, the daughter of murdered Irish-American businessman Jason Corbett, is forced to take hospital exams while her father’s killers walk free. On August 2, 2015, Jason Corbett was brutally murdered in his North Carolina home by his wife, Molly Martin, and her father, Thomas Martens. The pair was convicted of second-degree murder in 2017, but the North Carolina Supreme Court overturned their convictions in 2021, citing errors in the trial. As a result, Martin and Martens have been released pending a retrial, which has yet to be scheduled. Meanwhile, Molly Corbett, who was only 13 years old at the time of her father’s murder, is preparing for her college entrance exams. According to a GoFundMe page set up by Jason’s family, Molly is “determined to succeed despite the challenges she has faced.” The page has raised over $200,000 to help Molly cover her educational expenses and support her emotional well-being. “It is a travesty of justice that Molly has to endure these exams while her father’s killers remain free,” Jason’s sister, Tracey Corbett Lynch, said in a statement. “We are heartbroken that the North Carolina Supreme Court has allowed these criminals to escape punishment.” The Corbett family has filed a lawsuit against the state of North Carolina, alleging that the prosecution’s misconduct resulted in the overturning of the convictions. The family is seeking damages for Molly’s suffering and for the loss of Jason’s life. The case has sparked outrage and calls for reforms to the North Carolina criminal justice system. Critics argue that the overturning of the convictions sends a dangerous message that domestic violence will not be tolerated. As Molly Corbett prepares to face her exams, her family and supporters continue to fight for justice for Jason and for a system that protects victims of domestic violence.

By epl

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