OneFamily Life Insurance Policy for Over 50s Launches on The Exchange

London, UK – 17th February 2023

– OneFamily has announced the launch of its new life insurance policy for over 50s on The Exchange, the UK’s leading protection platform. Designed specifically for people over 50, the policy provides peace of mind and financial security for individuals and their families. It offers guaranteed acceptance, with no medical questions or exams required, making it a simple and straightforward process for individuals to obtain life insurance coverage. The OneFamily life insurance policy for over 50s features: *

Guaranteed acceptance:

No medical questions or exams required *

Flexible cover amounts:

Up to £20,000 of life cover *

Low premiums:

Tailored to the applicant’s age and health profile *

Immediate cover:

Protection starts as soon as the policy is set up “We’re delighted to launch our life insurance policy for over 50s on The Exchange,” said Peter Glancy, Chief Executive Officer of OneFamily. “This policy provides a valuable solution for individuals in this age group who may have previously found it challenging to obtain life insurance coverage. By making it quick and easy to apply, we’re helping people over 50 secure their financial future and give their loved ones peace of mind.” The launch of the OneFamily life insurance policy for over 50s on The Exchange marks a significant milestone for the company. The partnership with The Exchange provides OneFamily with access to a vast network of financial advisers, enabling the policy to reach a wider audience. “We’re excited to add the OneFamily life insurance policy to our platform,” said William Grant, Chief Executive Officer of The Exchange. “This policy complements our existing range of protection solutions, and we believe it will be a valuable addition for our advisers and their clients. With its guaranteed acceptance and competitive premiums, it’s an ideal choice for over 50s looking for peace of mind and financial protection.” For more information on the OneFamily life insurance policy for over 50s, please visit:

About OneFamily

OneFamily is a leading provider of savings, investments, and retirement solutions. With over £5 billion of assets under management, OneFamily helps people to plan for their future and achieve their financial goals. The company is committed to providing accessible and affordable financial products to everyone.

About The Exchange

The Exchange is the UK’s leading protection platform, providing advisers with access to a comprehensive range of life insurance, critical illness insurance, and income protection policies from over 20 leading insurers. The Exchange’s mission is to make protection advice simple, efficient, and affordable for everyone.

The OneFamily life insurance policy for over 50s goes live on The Exchange – The Intermediary

* The OneFamily life insurance policy for over 50s has gone live on The Exchange. * The policy is designed to provide affordable cover for people over 50 who may not be able to get cover elsewhere. * The policy has a maximum sum assured of £25,000 and a minimum age of 50. * The premiums are fixed for the life of the policy and there is no medical underwriting. * The policy can be purchased online or over the phone.

Key features of the policy:


Fixed premiums:

The premiums for the policy are fixed for the life of the policy, which means that you will not have to worry about them increasing in the future. *

No medical underwriting:

The policy does not require any medical underwriting, which means that you will not have to undergo a medical examination or answer any questions about your health. *

Maximum sum assured of £25,000:

The maximum sum assured for the policy is £25,000. *

Minimum age of 50:

The policy is available to people aged 50 and over. *

Can be purchased online or over the phone:

The policy can be purchased online or over the phone.

Who is the policy suitable for?

The policy is suitable for people over 50 who: * May not be able to get cover elsewhere due to their age or health * Are looking for an affordable life insurance policy * Do not want to undergo medical underwriting

How to apply for the policy

You can apply for the policy online or over the phone. To apply online, you will need to visit the OneFamily website. To apply over the phone, you will need to call OneFamily on 0800 085 2275.

About OneFamily

OneFamily is a leading provider of life insurance and funeral plans in the UK. The company has been in business for over 20 years and has over 1 million customers. OneFamily is committed to providing affordable and accessible cover to people of all ages and health conditions.

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