Rock Hill Family Questions Levine Children’s Hospital After 9-Year-Old Daughter Dies

Rock Hill, SC

– The family of a 9-year-old girl who died at Levine Children’s Hospital in Charlotte is questioning the hospital’s treatment of their daughter. On May 9, 2023, Serenity Godsey was admitted to Levine Children’s Hospital with severe abdominal pain. According to her parents, Serenity had been experiencing pain for several days, but the pain had worsened in the past 24 hours. The Godsey family alleges that after Serenity was admitted to the hospital, she was not seen by a doctor for several hours. When a doctor finally saw Serenity, they performed a CT scan and diagnosed her with acute pancreatitis. The Godseys questioned the diagnosis, as Serenity had no history of pancreatitis and had not experienced any of the common symptoms of the condition. They requested a second opinion, but their request was denied. Over the next several days, Serenity’s condition worsened. She developed sepsis and was placed on a ventilator. On May 14, 2023, Serenity died at the hospital. The Godseys are now questioning whether Serenity received appropriate care at Levine Children’s Hospital. They believe that the hospital staff did not take their concerns seriously and that Serenity’s death could have been prevented. “We trusted the doctors and nurses at Levine Children’s Hospital with our daughter’s life,” said Serenity’s mother, Amanda Godsey. “We don’t understand how she could have died so suddenly.” Levine Children’s Hospital has not yet commented on the Godseys’ concerns. However, the hospital has a policy of conducting an internal review of all patient deaths. The Godseys have contacted an attorney and are considering filing a lawsuit against Levine Children’s Hospital. They are also working to raise awareness about their daughter’s death and to prevent other families from going through a similar experience. “We want to make sure that no other family has to suffer the way we have,” said Serenity’s father, Jeff Godsey. “We want Levine Children’s Hospital to be held accountable for their actions.”

Rock Hill Family Questions Levine Children’s Hospital After 9-Year-Old Daughter Dies

A Rock Hill family is questioning the care their 9-year-old daughter received at Levine Children’s Hospital after she died unexpectedly following a tonsillectomy. On July 6, 2023, Makayla Wilson underwent a routine tonsillectomy at the Charlotte hospital. She was discharged the same day, but her condition worsened overnight. She was rushed back to the hospital on July 7, but died shortly after arrival. Makayla’s parents, Jessica and Michael Wilson, are now questioning the hospital’s care. They claim that their daughter was not properly monitored after the surgery and that her symptoms were dismissed as minor. “I feel like they robbed us of our precious Makayla,” Jessica Wilson said. “We trusted them with our daughter’s life, and they failed her.” The Wilsons have filed a complaint with the North Carolina Medical Board and are considering legal action. Levine Children’s Hospital has issued a statement expressing condolences to the Wilson family and stating that it is reviewing the case. “We take patient safety very seriously and are committed to providing the highest quality of care,” the hospital said. “We are reviewing the events surrounding this case to determine if there are any areas where we can improve our practices.” The Wilson family’s story has raised concerns about the safety of tonsillectomies, which are common surgical procedures performed to remove the tonsils. While the procedures are generally safe, there are risks involved, including bleeding, infection, and anesthesia-related complications. The Wilsons are urging other parents to be vigilant about their children’s care after surgery and to speak up if they have any concerns. “Don’t be afraid to question the doctors and nurses,” Jessica Wilson said. “Your child’s life may depend on it.”

By epl

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