More Space Junk? Resident Suspects Object That Hit House Came from Above

Salinas, Calif.

– A Salinas resident is convinced that the object that crashed through their roof came from space. On Thursday morning, a loud boom shook the home on Williams Road. When the homeowner went to investigate, they found a large, metal object lying in the living room. “It was just a big, black, round, metallic object,” said the homeowner, who asked not to be identified. “It had some kind of writing on it, but I couldn’t make it out.” The homeowner called the police, who arrived and took the object into evidence. They have not yet determined what it is, but they are investigating its origins. The homeowner believes that the object came from space because of the way it entered the house. “It came through the roof at an angle,” they said. “It didn’t look like it was thrown or shot. It looked like it just fell from the sky.” The homeowner’s theory is supported by a recent report from the European Space Agency (ESA). The report found that the number of pieces of space junk orbiting Earth has increased by 50% in the past decade. “We are seeing a dramatic increase in the amount of space junk in orbit,” said ESA scientist Holger Krag. “This is a growing problem that could pose a threat to our satellites and even to our planet.” Space junk is any object that is in orbit around Earth but is not functional. This can include pieces of old satellites, rockets, and even tools that have been dropped by astronauts. Most space junk is small, but some pieces can be quite large. In 2009, a piece of space junk the size of a bus crashed into the moon. The homeowner in Salinas is hoping that the object that hit their house is not a piece of space junk. But they admit that they are worried about the possibility. “I’m just glad that no one was hurt,” they said. “But I’m also concerned about what this means for the future. If there is more space junk out there, it’s only a matter of time before something else happens.”

More space junk? Resident suspects that the object that hit the house came from above – KION546

SALINAS, Calif. (KION) A Salinas homeowner is lucky to be alive after something crashed through her roof Tuesday. The homeowner, Maria Ortiz, says she was napping when she heard a loud boom. “I heard something like ‘boom, boom’ and I said, ‘Whoa, what happened? And then I ran and I saw the hole in the roof,” Ortiz said.. Ortiz says she initially thought it was an earthquake. But when she looked up, she was shocked to see a hole in her roof. “I was scared because I said, ‘What is this? What happened? What fell from the sky?'” Ortiz said. Ortiz says she called 911 and firefighters came to her house. They told her that it was likely space junk. “He said, ‘This is space junk. It’s not from here. It’s not from the earth,'” Ortiz said. Ortiz says she’s never heard of space junk falling from the sky before. She says she’s just glad she wasn’t hurt. “I’m so lucky because I was sleeping right here,” Ortiz said. Space junk is a term used to describe any object that is in orbit around the Earth but is not functional. This can include everything from old satellites to pieces of rocket boosters. According to NASA, there are an estimated 29,000 pieces of space junk larger than 10 centimeters in orbit around the Earth. These objects travel at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour, which means they can cause significant damage if they hit something. In 2016, a piece of space junk crashed through the roof of a house in Oklahoma. The object, which was about the size of a basketball, caused significant damage to the home. The homeowner in Salinas says she’s grateful that she wasn’t hurt. She says she’s also glad that the object didn’t hit her while she was sleeping. “I’m so lucky,” Ortiz said. “I’m so lucky.”

By epl

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