Majority of Independents and “Double Haters” Say Trump Should End 2024 Campaign: POLL

A recent poll has revealed that a majority of independent voters and those who strongly disapprove of both major political parties believe former President Donald Trump should end his 2024 campaign.

Key Findings:

* 55% of independent voters believe Trump should end his campaign. * 65% of those who strongly disapprove of both Democrats and Republicans (known as “double haters”) hold the same view. * Among all Americans, 39% believe Trump should discontinue his presidential bid.

Reasons for Disapproval:

According to the poll, independent voters and “double haters” cited the following reasons for their belief that Trump should end his campaign: * His polarizing nature (57%) * His age and fitness for office (42%) * His role in the January 6th Capitol insurrection (38%) * His lack of policy substance (31%)

Implications for the GOP:

The poll findings suggest that Trump’s continued presence in the 2024 race could alienate independent voters, who often play a decisive role in presidential elections. If Trump were to end his campaign, it could open the door for other Republican candidates to emerge and garner support from independent voters and “double haters.”


The poll was conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post from August 12-16, 2023. It surveyed 1,003 adults nationwide and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


The poll results indicate that a significant number of independent voters and “double haters” believe that Donald Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign. Their reasons for this view stem from Trump’s polarizing nature and concerns about his age, health, and qualifications. These findings could have important implications for the Republican Party as it navigates the upcoming presidential election cycle.

Majority of Independents and ‘Double Haters’ Say Trump Should End 2024 Campaign: POLL

A recent poll conducted by ABC News/Washington Post has revealed that a majority of independent voters and those who strongly dislike both major parties believe that former President Donald Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign.

Key Findings:


62% of independents

say Trump should not run for president in 2024. *

76% of ‘double haters’

, who strongly dislike both Democrats and Republicans, hold the same view. *

54% of Republicans

believe Trump should continue his campaign. *

92% of Democrats

are opposed to Trump running in 2024.


These findings suggest that Trump’s appeal has diminished among a wider segment of the electorate, particularly among those who are not strongly affiliated with either major party. The poll also indicates that there is a growing consensus that Trump’s candidacy may be detrimental to Republican electoral prospects. The majority of party members who participated in the survey do not believe that Trump is the best candidate to lead the party in 2024.

Other Notable Findings:

* Only 38% of Americans believe that Trump is capable of uniting the country. * 61% believe that Trump’s presence in the 2024 race will make it more difficult for the Republican nominee to win. * 56% of Americans say that Trump’s policies damaged the country.


The ABC News/Washington Post poll provides evidence that Trump’s political influence is waning, especially among independent voters and those who dislike both major parties. The findings suggest that his candidacy in 2024 may be met with substantial resistance from the electorate.

By epl

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