Approval Recommended for the Lydgate House Scheme

Development to Revitalize Historic Site and Provide Affordable Housing

The long-awaited Lydgate House scheme in Huddersfield has received approval from the planning committee, paving the way for the transformation of the historic site and the provision of much-needed affordable housing. The £30 million project will see the restoration and conversion of the Grade II listed Lydgate House, which has stood vacant for over a decade. The historic building will be transformed into eight luxury apartments, while a new extension will provide 50 affordable homes for local residents. The scheme, proposed by developer Huddersfield Residential Limited, aims to breathe new life into the neglected landmark while also addressing the housing needs of the community. The affordable homes will be available to rent or buy under a shared ownership scheme, providing a path to homeownership for those who might otherwise struggle to afford it. The planning committee praised the development for its sensitivity to the historic building and its commitment to providing affordable housing. Committee member Councillor Graham Turner said, “This is an excellent scheme that will bring a beautiful historic building back to life and provide vital affordable housing for local people.” The Lydgate House mansion was built in the 18th century and was once the home of the Ramsden family, who were prominent textile manufacturers. The building has been empty since the 1990s and has fallen into disrepair. The restoration will involve extensive repairs to the stonework, windows, and interior, as well as the creation of a new roof. The new extension will be built to a high environmental standard and will include features such as solar panels and energy-efficient insulation. The homes will be designed to meet the needs of a range of occupants, including families, single people, and older residents. The scheme is expected to create up to 80 jobs during construction and will provide a boost to the local economy. It is also expected to attract visitors to the area, as the restored Lydgate House will become a popular tourist destination. Developer Huddersfield Residential Limited said, “We are delighted that the planning committee has approved our scheme. We believe that Lydgate House has the potential to become a landmark development that will revitalize the area and benefit the community for generations to come.” Construction is expected to begin later this year, with the development set to be completed by 2024.

Approval Recommended for Lydgate House Scheme


– The Lydgate House scheme has received approval from the relevant authorities, paving the way for its development.


– The scheme involves the redevelopment of the former Lydgate House office building into a mixed-use development. It will include: * Residential units * Commercial spaces * Green spaces and amenities


– The project is expected to provide several benefits, including: * Increased housing availability * Creation of new job opportunities * Revitalization of the local area * Improved green spaces and public amenities


– Construction on the scheme is anticipated to commence in [month, year]. The project is expected to be completed by [month, year].


– The approval of the Lydgate House scheme has received positive reactions from local residents and businesses. Many believe it will bring positive change and growth to the community.

Additional Information

– For further updates and information on the Lydgate House scheme, please visit [website or contact information].

By epl

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