Юрген Клопп Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is confident that he made the right decision to leave the club because next season would have been difficult.

Klopp will play his penultimate home match as Liverpool manager on Sunday, taking on Tottenham.

Klopp has not yet fully realized that his career at Liverpool is coming to an end, but Jurgen feels that he would not have enough energy for next season.

“I didn’t think much about breaking up. I’ve never considered these remaining matches as a farewell because I can’t think about my own situation every day.”

“This week there was a day when a meeting with our charitable foundation took place at the training base. There were families and children there, and I always liked those moments.”

“I met a boy whom I first saw five years ago when he was ill with cancer. Now his head is full of red curls, and it’s wonderful to see. At that moment, I realized that it would be hard for me to leave.”

“In recent weeks, our football has left much to be desired, as a result of which people are starting to say that I look tired. I’m just old! But I will try 100 percent until my last day. That’s always been the plan.”

“I’m sure if I hadn’t made this decision, next year could have been difficult. This idea that you need to gather your strength for the next pre-season and make big decisions…”

“To do this, you need to be full of energy. 80 percent is not enough. That’s the truth. It’s a 24/7 job. Yes, there are more important things in life, but if you really care, then it’s 24/7.”

“I’ve been doing it for quite a long time and I realized that I can’t keep doing it with the standards that a club like Liverpool needs,” Klopp told Sky Sports.

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By epl

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