Safety Concerns Limit Access to Westports Community Gardens

Westport, CT – Local authorities have announced that access to the town’s community gardens will be restricted due to ongoing safety concerns. In recent months, there have been several incidents of vandalism, trespass, and theft at the gardens, prompting officials to take action. The community gardens, located on Post Road East, provide residents with the opportunity to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. However, the increasing number of security breaches has created an unsafe environment for gardeners. According to the Westport Police Department, there have been numerous reports of broken fences, stolen plants, and equipment damaged at the gardens. The lack of supervision and lighting has also contributed to the safety concerns. To address these issues, the Parks and Recreation Department has implemented several new measures. Starting immediately, access to the gardens will be limited to keyholders only. Keyholders will be required to provide proof of residence and sign an agreement to abide by the garden rules. Additionally, the department will install new fencing, motion-activated lights, and security cameras at the gardens. Regular patrols by police officers and park rangers will also be increased. “The safety of our residents is our top priority,” said Parks and Recreation Director John Walsh. “These new measures will help to deter crime and create a safer environment for gardeners.” Residents who are interested in becoming keyholders can contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (203) 222-1486. Applications must be submitted by April 15th. The restrictions on access to the community gardens have been met with mixed reactions. Some residents are grateful for the increased security measures, while others are disappointed that they will no longer be able to visit the gardens as freely as before. “I understand the need to keep the gardens safe,” said resident Mary Smith. “But it’s still a shame that we have to limit access. The gardens were a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.” Despite the safety concerns, the Parks and Recreation Department emphasized that the community gardens will remain open and accessible to residents. The department is committed to finding ways to balance security with community access.

Safety concerns will limit access to Westports community gardens

Westport, MA

– Due to safety concerns, access to the Westports community gardens will be limited effective immediately. The decision was made after a recent incident in which a child was injured while playing in the gardens. The gardens, which are located on Old County Road, are a popular spot for residents to grow their own food. However, the gardens have also been the site of several incidents in recent years, including vandalism and theft. “The safety of our residents is our top priority,” said Westport Town Administrator Timothy King. “We have decided to limit access to the gardens in order to prevent any further incidents.” Under the new rules, only residents who have registered with the town will be allowed to access the gardens. Residents will be required to show their registration card at the gate. The gardens will be open from sunrise to sunset, seven days a week. The town is also considering installing security cameras in the gardens. “We understand that this is a disappointment to some residents,” said King. “However, we believe that these measures are necessary to ensure the safety of everyone who uses the gardens.” The town will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed.

By epl

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