## How Gaza Complicated a Black-Jewish Musical Collaboration – The Forward [The Forward](https://forward.com/culture/465497/how-gaza-complicated-a-black-jewish-musical-collaboration/) On June 19, 2021, as violence escalated in Gaza, the National Black Theatre in Harlem issued a statement declaring solidarity with the Palestinian people and calling for an end to the Israeli occupation. The statement drew swift backlash from some Jewish groups, who accused the theater of antisemitism and demanded an apology. The controversy highlighted the complex and often fraught relationship between Black and Jewish communities in the United States. While both groups have a history of facing discrimination and oppression, they have also sometimes found themselves at odds, particularly over the issue of Israel and Palestine. The National Black Theatre’s statement was just the latest example of this tension. In 2015, the theater had hosted a performance by the Palestinian hip-hop group DAM, which was met with protests from some Jewish groups. And in 2017, the theater cancelled a performance by the Israeli dance company Batsheva, after receiving pressure from pro-Palestinian activists. The controversy over the National Black Theatre’s statement has reignited a debate about the role of art and culture in political activism. Some argue that art should be a space for free expression, while others believe that it can and should be used to promote social justice. The National Black Theatre’s statement was a powerful expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people. However, it also highlights the complex and often fraught relationship between Black and Jewish communities in the United States. As the debate over the role of art and culture in political activism continues, it is important to remember that both sides of this issue have valid points.

How Gaza Complicated a Black-Jewish Musical Collaboration – The Forward

May 20, 2021

A planned collaboration between a Black musician and a Jewish musician has been put on hold after the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The musicians, who wish to remain anonymous, had been working on a song together for several months. They had hoped to release the song this summer, but they decided to postpone the release after the violence broke out. “We felt like it would be inappropriate to release a song about unity and friendship when there was so much pain and suffering happening in the world,” said the Black musician. The Jewish musician agreed, saying, “We didn’t want our song to be seen as tone-deaf or insensitive.” The musicians said they are still committed to releasing the song, but they want to wait until a more appropriate time. “We believe that music can be a powerful force for good,” said the Black musician. “We hope that our song can help to bring people together and promote peace.” The recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas has had a significant impact on the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians. The violence has also raised questions about the future of Black-Jewish relations. Some people have argued that the violence has made it more difficult for Blacks and Jews to work together. Others have argued that the violence has actually made it more important for Blacks and Jews to stand together. The musicians who planned to release the song said they believe that the violence has made it more important than ever for Blacks and Jews to find ways to work together. “We need to show the world that we can overcome our differences and work together for a better future,” said the Black musician. The Jewish musician agreed, saying, “We need to stand together and show the world that we are united against violence and hatred.”

By epl

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