Environment Day Celebrated with Tree Plantation in Ashiana Garden

Ashiana, June 5th, 2023:

In commemoration of World Environment Day, the residents of Ashiana Garden came together to participate in a tree plantation drive at the community park. The event, organized by the Ashiana Residents’ Welfare Association (ARWA), was attended by residents of all ages, who enthusiastically planted saplings of various native tree species, including neem, peepal, and gulmohar. The President of ARWA, Mr. Rajeev Gupta, highlighted the importance of protecting the environment and the need for every individual to contribute their part. “By planting these trees, we are not only beautifying our community but also creating a greener and healthier environment for future generations,” he said. The residents also took part in a painting competition with the theme ‘Save Our Planet’. Children created colorful and imaginative artworks that depicted the beauty and fragility of the natural world. “It was a wonderful experience to see the community come together for such an important cause,” said Mrs. Sonia Sharma, a resident who participated in the event with her family. “We hope that these trees will thrive and serve as a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation.” The tree plantation drive was a successful initiative that not only enhanced the greenery of Ashiana Garden but also fostered a sense of environmental awareness among the residents. ARWA plans to continue organizing such events in the future to promote sustainability and protect the planet.

Ashiana Garden Marks Environment Day with Tree Plantation

In observation of World Environment Day, Ashiana Garden recently hosted a tree plantation drive to promote environmental conservation. The event was attended by local residents, environmental enthusiasts, and representatives from the Ashiana Garden Management Association. Together, they planted several native tree species, including Neem, Peepal, and Gulmohar, in designated areas of the garden. Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Ashok Gupta, President of the Ashiana Garden Management Association, emphasized the importance of trees in mitigating air pollution, improving soil health, and providing shade and habitat for wildlife. “Planting trees is a simple yet powerful way to show our commitment to protecting our planet,” said Mr. Gupta. “These trees will not only beautify our garden but also contribute to the overall well-being of our community.” The tree plantation drive was well-received by the participants, who expressed their enthusiasm for taking an active role in environmental stewardship. They pledged to water and care for the newly planted trees to ensure their long-term survival. “It’s heartening to see so many people coming together to support such a meaningful initiative,” said Mrs. Rekha Sharma, a resident of Ashiana Garden. “By planting these trees, we are investing in a greener and healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.” The Environment Day celebration in Ashiana Garden served as a reminder of the crucial role that trees play in maintaining ecological balance and improving the quality of our lives. It encouraged residents to embrace sustainable practices and to work towards preserving the natural beauty of their surroundings.

By epl

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