AG Stein Expresses Support at Nurses’ Union Meeting; Mission Hospital Calls It a ‘Campaign Stop’

Asheville, NC – New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) made an appearance at a nurses’ union meeting at Mission Hospital in Asheville on Friday, expressing support for their efforts to organize and improve working conditions. The nurses have been engaged in a long-running campaign to unionize, citing concerns over low pay, inadequate staffing, and a lack of safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. James’ visit signaled her support for their cause. “I am here today to stand with you in your fight for a fair contract and a better way of life,” James said to the nurses. “You are the heroes of this pandemic, and you deserve to be treated with respect.” James’ speech was met with applause and cheers from the nurses. However, Mission Hospital issued a statement calling her visit a “campaign stop” ahead of the November elections. “We appreciate the opportunity to meet with any elected official, but we are concerned that this visit was primarily for political purposes,” the hospital said. “Our focus remains on providing the best possible care to our patients, and we will continue to engage in good faith negotiations with our nurses.” The National Nurses United union, which represents the nurses at Mission Hospital, dismissed the hospital’s claims. “This is an attempt to silence our nurses and deny them their right to organize,” said Kimathi Ajamu, a union representative. “We will not be silenced, and we will continue to fight for our rights.” Negotiations between the nurses and the hospital have been ongoing for over a year, but no agreement has been reached. The nurses have authorized a strike if a fair contract is not negotiated by September 30th. The nurses’ union has received support from several local and national organizations, including the AFL-CIO, the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union. James’ visit is seen as a further sign of growing support for the nurses’ cause.

New York Attorney General Letitia James expressed support for nurses at a union meeting, while Mission Hospital criticized it as a “campaign stop.”

On Monday, James spoke at a meeting of the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan. She praised the nurses for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic and said that she would continue to fight for their rights. “I am here today to tell you that I stand with you,” James said. “I am here to tell you that I will continue to fight for you and your rights.” James’s speech was met with applause from the nurses in attendance. However, Mission Hospital issued a statement criticizing James’s visit as a “campaign stop.” “The Attorney General’s visit today was nothing more than a campaign stop,” the hospital said in a statement. “She used our nurses as a prop to promote her own political agenda.” The hospital also said that James’s visit was “disruptive” and that it “distracted” the nurses from their work. “We are disappointed that the Attorney General chose to use our nurses for her own political gain,” the hospital said. “We hope that she will focus on her job of enforcing the law and leave our nurses alone.” James’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

By epl

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